Danganronpa Fans

A group for everything Danganronpa related! Talk to others about your favorite characters and ships, or maybe the characters you kin. Post art, cosplays, and anything else your creative minds come to!


-Be kind to others. Don't bully, threaten, sexually harass, or dox others

-Hate of any kind is not allowed. This includes hate towards race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or age

-Nsfw content is not allowed

-Keep spam to a minimum

-Add spoiler warnings before any spoilers. I know these games are years old, but there will always be newer fans who are completely new to the games

-If you aren't sure whether your post is appropriate, message the group creator

With all that aside, I hope you enjoy your stay

Group Bulletin Board

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Group Forum

Author Subject Replies Last Post
Introductions 72
highest kins lol 64
favorite game in the series? 22
Your favorite ship? 20
All time favorite character?? 25
Roleplay 2
Fav Character?? 14
Junko wigs 1
for any cosplayers? what are ur cosplans? 4