Spacehey Firearm Enthusiasts

Heya, I'm pretty new to Spacehey at the moment, i noticed theres a lack of a group that has a vast interest in Firearms, so, why not create one, maybe socialize a bit, If anyone that does know HTML/CSS or whatever this site utilizes, and would like to help out spice up the place, hit me up on my profile whenever you wish. I may also not be very great at running things which is why I would like a little help maybe from others who i can trust.

Anyways, now that I've explained this stuff. Let's address some Standards here.

Please do not bring political topics or any contraversal topics into here, whether it is discussing firearms or not, please do not bring it here, this is just a hangout for Firearm Enthusiasts from a Enthusiast.

If someone does something unsafe or wrong within' a post, don't be an a-hole, simple as that, if you don't know what to tell them correctly, don't reply, or if someone may ask a question that may seem stupid to you, please don't call them slow, stupid etc. be respectful and help educate others on firearms.

Try to stray away from topics that aren't firearm related, maybe if you are talking about a gun maybe manned on a certain vehicle etc. Military Vehicles with mounted armaments, which is fine. 

I'd recommend people here to be atleast 16 and up, but if you still want to educate yourself on firearms feel free to ask or wonder some questions, as I personally wnat to educate all about firearms and even if you'd like to give helpful tips for others. but this doesn't mean break TOS and be under the age of the website.

Please refrain by making major racial remarks, as much the stereotypes that come around, I'll allow smaller jokes here and there as long as it isn't meant as a direct insult, doesn't hurt to pop a joke out once in a while.

p.s (Universal rule, please have common sense to not be prejudice or racist.)

Alright, well, enjoy your time around if you're here!

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First and foremost, let's share some simple opinions. 1
If you had to get a gun chambered in .40 S&W 0