welcome to html group!

we focus on helping you create layouts from scratch & supplying you with a collection of neat codes discovered & created by fellow spacehey users, all in one easy to navigate place. please visit our website below to view all the codes & the layout generator that has been created by the customization obsessed users of spacehey!

post a topic if you have questions!



click here for
spachey html:
the ultimate guide


Group Bulletin Board

From Time Subject
A little spinning thing 1 Comment
How to change the links to the "view my..." buttons? 2 Comments
question lmao >m< 1 Comment
Is there a way to hide the interest table? 1 Comment
H4? 1 Comment
how do i remove the blue glow from the top links?????? 1 Comment

Group Forum

Author Subject Replies Last Post
Hey everyone my profile seems broken. 1
music autoplay code not working 1
cool layouts? 1
The blinkies on my profile won't show up! 1
need to fix weird gaping on page 2
how to replace old online image 3