trading card games

this is a group for fans of all trading card card games both the rare and uncommon and the common and strong to gather and discuss


typical rules will apply if any need clarifying please contact a mod so that way we can update the list scamming - should be obvious however i feel it necessary to clarify due to the problem being pretty bad in other TCG groups if you are caught making fraudulent trade deals or whatever other types of scams that exzist in regards to TCG you will be banned from the group


note: this section is added to address any questions that are frequently asked or have the potential to be frequently asked

Q: where do i go to buy cards? A: it is recommended you check your local card shops however if you can't find what you are looking for TCGplayer is a great website to go to

Q: what is TCO? A: TCO or tradecardsonline is a defunct as of 2019 website where players could play their games online

Arcanine Pokemon

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Author Subject Replies Last Post
Metazoo seance set is cool 0
bakugan nostalgia format 0
Yugioh creator was found dead this morning 0
bakugon "big game" format 0
bakugon Holo Sector Point format (HSP format) 0
bakugon battle brawlers format + intoduction to my next few blog posts 0
chaotix? 0
how are engines found? 0
thoughts on this new game? 0
my TCO duel masters deck lists back up 0