Beginner Witches

Hi! This group is a space for new and old witches to come together and seek or share tips, tricks, advice, and help! Please keep discussions polite! we are all just trying to learn!

Some rules!

  1. Respect other witches beliefs and practices! (Example, not everyone follows the three folds law)
  2. We respect closed practices here! Cultural Appropriation is not allowed!
  3. No Gatekeeping! and we mean actual gatekeeping.
  4. No Bullying or bashing! If you don't believe in witchcraft, that's fine. But don't bother those who do!
  5. Make friends!

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Group Forum

Author Subject Replies Last Post
Moon Water and It's Many Uses 0
When and How did you first start your practice? And how did you become interested in your chosen path? 1
IG Witches 0
Study, practice, spellwork, etc- What are y'all up to? 0