Bone Fans

🦴 A group for Bone Fans who deeply enjoyed and remembered Jeff Smith's masterpiece! Bone the graphic novel series was being created between 1991-2004 and it follows the Bone Cousins going on a big fantasy adventure of their lives after getting ran out of Boneville (Fone, Phoney and Smiley Bone). The main series has over 55 issues that covers around 9 books in total, as well as spinoffs stories (Tall Tales, Legacy, Rose, etc.) being created outside the main story of the franchise!

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Author Subject Replies Last Post
Who's you favorite bone of the Bone Cousins trio? 0
Who's your favorite villain or minor antagonist! 0
Who's your favorite animal character? 0
Favorite Book from the Main Series? 0
Who's your favorite human character from the Valley? 0