May Soso magiczny świat

Welcome to Bunny Land. There are no bunnies here, we are magical girls.




May Soso (Sozzi)

Demil (the demon)

Kade Sire

We escape from the void, trapped in nothing but endless suffering.

The Sires: a family roleplay that ended in July 15, 2022.

Kade was the neglected, left alone child during all of this chaos

a strange person who went by the name "Emperor" also known as Kit.

After the sires fell apart and the drama begun, Ared, the brother who was always willing to help others, had left for the 5th time even promising to Kade he wouldn't wander off. He made his own family, "The Corpuz" and it grew huge. People started hating on the sires and little by little they left.

Manipulation, and harm was against them. The family that used to be a "joyful" harmony...

May Soso is a depressed girl, even within all that has happened, she makes her end on August 24 this year. Into the portal she will teleport, to meet the so called wicked human that was faced in another world. She admires this person. Although, she would never actually close her eyes forever, she is lying to herself. It's a distraction from reality. May realized she's nothing but unnormal. As she suffers from the events that occured in the sires...

Forever, she will walk along the way that leads to a down path her whole life.

kocie uszy w telefonie!

-Leader May Soso

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