butterflies of ana.

a safespace for anyone with ana (anorexia).

share your diets, workout routines, blogs etc... n just socialize w/ ur fellow butterflies >_<

note: i am not trying to romanticize/praise or show ana in any way that can be perceived as positive.

Group Bulletin Board

From Time Subject
Any idea why this could be? 1 Comment

Group Forum

Author Subject Replies Last Post
Twt/tumblr/insta 11
meanings and terms !! 2
new member 6
fasting and everything abt it 9
Tips for being stuck in a binge cycle 2
starving 3
twt acccounts 1
I need help to stop eating 3
low res or high res? what do yall think? 4
thinspo/fatspo/starving motvation 1