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Author Subject Replies Last Post
favorite idol?? 101
How would you feel if certain specials from Splatoon 1 (That weren't present in Splatoon 2), came back in Splatoon 3? 12
favorite salmonid? :) 10
Any tips to get back into the previous games ? 4
Spicy, sweet, or sour? 4
Splatoon3 Side Order DLC | Nintendo Feb Direct - Thoughts? 3
which weapon/class do you main? 8
Splatoon 3 Salmon Run Reveal 0
New splatfest, new topic! Dark, milk, or white chocolate? 3
salmon run team! :DDD 2
Whats everyones fav game mode > 4
thread for bad ideas only 2
Dark, Milk, Or White? 3
favorite canon character? 7
Big Run Discussion! 2
who else is excited for next months zeldafest???? 0
new announcement video from nintendo america! :DDD 1
New splatfest! [Pokemon x Splatoon] 1
game features 0
Splatoon Coroika Comics Discusion 1
i wish they had more diverse coloured gear i want to be pink :( 2
DLC has been announced!!! 1
New Squid Sisters songs! 0
I need more ppl to play splatoon 3 with 5
New Splatfest: Which of these is real? 0
most annoying salmonoid? 5
Money vs. Fame vs. Love 0
Nessie/Alien/Bigfoot Splatfest coming up! 0
free unusual splatoon blinkie requests!! :0 1
I'm hopefully gonna be getting splatoon 2 soon, any tips? [No spoilers] 2
if you could change weapon kits, which ones? 1