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Author Subject Replies Last Post
Pinned New members please introduce yourself here! Thanks for joining! 1721
Has anyone else heard of this? 0
I saw a face in my eyees!!!! 2
Story of my English teacher (not a joke) 2
The Appalachian Mountains (info, scary stories, ect) 5
What would happen if you gave the Fae your deadname? 2
Real government document stating that UFO's and aliens are being covered up 0
Shifting pains 4
Lights in the Sky with Video Proof 4
My paranormal experience 1
My english class (we talk about spooky things) 4
pet encounters? 3
my paranormal experiences. 3
intro! 0
my paranormal experiences 0.0 3
Introduction! 2
It Feels And Looks Like A Cat Scratched Me 2
My grandma taught me spell 0
paranormal experiences 0
I Accidentally Stumbled Across A Pentagram 0
A White Phantom Van Almost Killed Me 0
One Time I Saw A Ghost Of A Man 0
I'am An Witch with Djinn And Jinn Spirits 0
Night escape in a factory 2
[ esp/spanish ] me paso hace no mucho 1
solo algo raro 0
Mundane Oracle 1
Wanted to very quickly share my only paranormal experience. 4