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Author Subject Replies Last Post
2000s tech - using it today 5
hai!!! 0
hiii 0
Fav 2000s band? 2
Lonely and i need friends 1
Girlsgogames 2
does anyone else miss mall culture in the 2000s? 3
what online multiplayer game did u play back then? 0
What do y'all think about gyaru? 2
whats your fav clothes brand? 0
hai ;D 1
Old cartoon series that you have seen or recommend (1990-2009) 0
what are ur favourite song(s) from the year 2005? 1
What is better? only having a juicy tracksuit top or only bottom? 2
What are your fav accessories that were popular back then? 2
Hey! 0
I just kinda wanna make friends, Also I love the 2000s, music and style. :3 5
does anyone have underrated y2k brands?? help needed 0
Vs angels 0
panic! at the disco 4
anyone know a good place to get cute skinny jeans? 0
sourcing 2000's clothing/accesories!! 1
Did you know about frutiger aero? 2
jus something for everyone to know.. 0
does anyone remember limewire? 0
new friends 0
hiiii 0
New friends 0