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Author Subject Replies Last Post
bzoink shut down as of 2/1 + another quizilla-esque website 0
what do you miss about the early internet? 12
I created a website 3
does anyone remember barney errors? 7
bitcafe ☕️ 1
REQUEST! Browser extensions that return old ui of many sites? 3
**READ** please check out & support my music :) 0
The TikTokfication of Everything 11
Making a new website, what should I put on it? 3
Connectivity 7
want to learn to programme? 0
Anyone else have dying malls? 5
. 2
should i download ICQ? 9
does anyone remember ello? 2
Useful Browser Addons/Extensions 3
Hate Modern YouTube? Sick of YouTube's dumb antics? Then check this out!!! 14
I'm Curious About Brahkie 2
Some websites I use while I procrastinate!! (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧ 2
tafak?? 2
Introduce yourself<3 4
Why people are so mean... 7
anyone using old school nokia or wants to start using it? 9
so i've discovered my old tablet and i decided to charge it. 6
reclaiming my attention span 1
Wrestling fourms/websites? 1
what online website makers do you recommend? 1
Can anyone give me a DeadJournal code? 4
got shadowbanned on youtube 4
Another cool website I found 6