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Author Subject Replies Last Post
What made you realise that you where autistic? 1
Anyone else have auDHD? No just me? 3
Why is there sometimes autistic friendly fire 0
autism and romance- let's talk about it 0
Looking 4 Autistic Friends [18-22yrs] 0
videogames? 2
hi squidward 0
what are you guys’ hyperfixations? (GO INTO DETAIL MWAH) 9
Autism as a late teen/young adult 0
Is it alright for me to be here if I haven’t been diagnosed but I’m pretty sure that I might be autistic??? :P 1
Is it alright for me to be here if I haven’t been diagnosed but I’m pretty sure that I might be autistic??? :P 0
I need friends plz! =) 0
HI 2
looking for autistic teens i can be friends with!!! 5
autistics in highschool tap in!! 0
Hello! 0
Has anyone experienced difficulties in school due to Autism? 2
looking for friends 0
getting diagnosed 0
idk i just joined 0
Looking for friends 0
Looking for friends 0
speaking problems 3
Making Friends when you have Autism (both online and IRL) 21
I need friends :,) 1
Autistic Icons 4
infodump thread infodump thread infodump thread 2
happy autism acceptance month 2