Shitting on humanity

People suck, let's chat. Share stories, talk about social dilemmas, just shit on humanity in general.

Rules of the Forum: 
1. No Slurs (You know what i'm talking about)
2. No Hateful speech (Don't say things like "FuK yU, BiCh"
3. No offensive jokes (Racist, transphobic, or homophobic jokes)
4. Don't be a dick (No "YrOu'E*")
5. No enforcing you personal beliefs or biases (i.e. religion or opinions)
6. No spam (It's really annoying)
7. No sexual content (Cringey role-play or anything like that) 
8. Nothing too off topic (Ex: a massive shit you just took)
9. Follow rules 1-8 (Or else)

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