jirai kei♡ryousangata

Hi! This is a club for everyone who likes the Jirai Kei fashion style, or wants to know more about it! ♡ Please be aware that this subculture has stirred controversy in the past, and this group is not the place to discuss that. Thank you!

Jirai Kei (地雷系/じらいけい) translates to "landmine-type" and is derived from "jirai onna" (地雷女) which is a term that refers to a type of a woman that has a high tendency to have violent emotional breakdowns. The term is often used to harass and demean. Due to a makeup challenge by Japanese YouTuber SuReRo, which was about emulating the particular stereotype, it has been associated with various darker girly styles, gradually morphing into its own subculture.

Key color aspects of Jirai kei include black, white, and various shades of muted pink. Natural and vibrant colors aren't commonly seen in Jirai Kei. Common outfit choices include peter pan collar blouses being worn with a frilly high waist skirt, and oversized tops with blue or purple bear prints that reach a little below the thigh area. In addition, satin ribbon hair accessories and bow ties with gemstone heart details are a must have for those interested in Jirai Kei; along with black platform shoes (usually chosen from around 3 inches to 5 inches of back heel length). One of the most popular platform shoe choices are the double buckle platform shoes, which can be bought from the brand BUBBLES, owned by Supamo Sparkling Mall. Lace trim socks or leg warmers can be worn under the shoes. DearMyLove is another popular brand.

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