
Welcome to Spacehang!
A group for chilled people who actually want to hang, talk, and discuss!

This is a group with the purpose of anyone being able to talk about anything in a drama free zone. If you're someone who's sensitive towards various topics, it is advised you do not join this group. This group also isn't meant to be a safe haven for edgelords and trolls either.

So what is there to do here? Do whatever you want! No need to wait for a mod to post anything, start your own topics! Post about literally anything, talk about your interests, your favorite games, what you did yesterday, memes that made you laugh, you can even post your vents or political and social issues bothering you if you wanna. Just follow the rules below and that's all you have to worry about.


  1. You must be at least 16 years old to join. Anyone under 16 will be removed.
  2. No adult content. No sexual pictures and no depictions of sexual acts.
  3. Avoid being hateful and using slurs. You're allowed to share your controversial opinions and thoughts, but don't so in a hateful manner. If I feel a post risks a user account to be banned it will be removed.
    Also I have no idea if using slurs jokingly is against ToS so lets avoid doing that to be safe.

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Group Forum

Author Subject Replies Last Post
Post your memes 6
The SpaceHang Vow 5