Lil Darkie Fans

Hi, so I like lil darkie, and i just wanna find a space to talk about him and conversate about him. Yes I'm 15 (oldest lil darkie fan) so don't be creepy or anything. I'm not really gonna moderate this or anything because I'm lazy and don't have the time for it. This is rlly my first time doing anything on spacehey, i'll kick you or remove you or whatever i can do if you're being problematic or saying any racist, homophobic, transphobic shit or i find out you're a pedophile or anything like that. I don't mind anyone having arguments just keep it friendly or toned down. I just want this to be like a little space for lil darkie fans to talk to each other.

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Author Subject Replies Last Post
My ranking of Lil Darkie Albums (feel free to judge and give constructive criticism) 0
What are some music reccomendations you guys have? 2
What other music do you guys like? 0
If you had to describe to a friend what type of music lil darkie makes and who he is, what would you say? 0