Old Tech Nerds

Welcome to the group for everything about 90s-2000s tech!!

This group is for:

  • Showing off your collection; CDs, Computers, Consoles, etc.!
  • Chatting about your favorite games, programs, and operating systems!
  • Asking for help with setting up an operating system and running programs!
  • Posting about stuff you've been able to do on your operating system!
  • Posting tutorials on how to set up stuff on an operating system!
  • Help with emulating old operating systems!
  • And most importantly, airing out your anger because you've been spending an entire day trying to set up a game to run on your Windows XP emulator but the game is still laggy no matter how much ram, cpu, or video memory you give it

Important notes:

  • Don't post download links or methods of piracy because I doubt that Spacehey allows this behavior. 
  • Make sure to scan files you download with at least VirusTotal. Remember that this is not a perfect solution to avoid viruses so use common sense!
  • Try stay away from password protected zip files, hackers do this to bypass virus scanners as they can't look into password protected zip files!
  • Lastly, if you pirate something, make sure it's something that has to be bought second hand. If it's available on something like Steam or the eShop, then just buy it there!

But most importantly, enjoy your stay and have fun!

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Group Forum

Author Subject Replies Last Post
Im back guys!! 0
The Frutiger Aero Era 1
Introductions! 9