hello! I like many people love spacehey, but I (also like many people) can get annoyed when they see user's who dont actually use the website, I.E, not posting blogs, not using groups, not interacting with people, ect. This can make it feel pointless to use things like forums or blogs cause no one is going to read them, but here it's encouraged to use any group you want as much as you want cause if you don't they'll stay unused. I want to stress that this group isn't made to be some 'elite' group of people who think they're better cause they use a website more than someone else, but more a group for people that use the website more than the bottom line, and want to find other people that do the same.
chat about your intrests, find freinds, share tips for spacehey, and do whatver else you can think of. as long as your using or encouraging using a group you're welcome here.
I made this group to try to encourage people to use things like groups and forums more. you can chat about basically whatever you want, promote your forum topics/groups, and maybe try to make some friends :D