The Dark Sun

A group for a studio named "The Dark Sun"

The Dark Sun specializes in short videos made with ROBLOX avatars, usually with ocs.


there are ways to get YOUR avatar into shows!

There are currently 20+ shows total (some cancelled, some still in the works, some with several seasons) Most Dark Sun episodes range from 30 seconds to 5 minutes long. (10th of March, 2025)


Wiki (wip)




  1. No bigotry! This includes but isn't limited to racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, antisemitism, and ableism.
  2. No darkshipping! Dark, Com, and Proshippers are not allowed in The Dark Sun
  3. No spamming! Self explanatory 
  4. 13 and older plz!
  5. No vent posts! Whilst mental health is very important and a topic in Dark Sun shows, please do not discuss your personal issues here. If you are dealing with mental health please seek professional help.

Made by the co-owner of Dark Sun Studios :)

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