
Welcome to Marxism-Leninism
I'm your host, Brighton.

I apologise for the lack of fancy HTML to get the point across but either way, welcome to the group.

Marxism-Leninism is at its core primarily a philosophical thought, with the interests of politics second, With its own theories on socioeconomics, faith, the construct of religion, and the absence of state, class, and materialist gains (money).

Communism was first theorized by Karl Marx and Frederich Engels, and those writings of Marx and Engels were picked up by Lenin (who had a feud with Kautsky, which he worked with Eduard Bernstein in the SPD, hence being "revisionist".) and subsequently Marx, Engels, and Lenin's teachings and writings and developments of the philosophy were synthesized into one concrete curriculum developed by Joseph Stalin - Marxism-Leninism.

Though controversial in modern philosophical discussion and political "debates", well-learned members of Marxism-Leninism call on books, pamphlets, publications, videos, essays and far and few between in order to debunk allegations made by aptly-named "Capitalist" countries to argue against this lower-stage Socialist system.

A Message To Non-Members:

     Hello. I will keep this message short but informative. Those who are members of this group of their own volition are advised to be on their best behavior in discussing political matters (though this is a genuine philosophical group.) Though we subjectively perceive you as "liberal" or "revisionist", we hold no ill will of you as a person wholly. I will not tolerate toxicity or dogmatic, unquestioning personality amongst the group as Marxism-Leninism requires self-criticism and questioning of its dogma.
Please, be cordial with us and we will with you.

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