arch btw

This is a group for Linux, BSD and other Unix and Unix-like users (but mostly Linux) to talk about which slightly different distro is better than the others. BTW did you know I use Arch?


  1. Be nice and follow the SpaceHey rules. We'll allow anything to be said as long as it doesn't break the site rules.
  2. Stay related to Unix topics. Mentioning Windows or Mac OS is OK as long as it's related to Unix in any way.
  3. That's really it.

What is Linux?

Linux is an Operating System (really a kernel but usually packed with other software like GNU) that is different from the other big ones as it is completely open source and you can see the code that runs your computer. Despite not as popular as other operating systems, it's about as feature complete as them and can run the same software pretty well, native or through a compatibility emulator. Even then, the only software that doesn't run is due to broken anti-cheat or anti-piracy code, but even that is starting to go away. With Linux becoming more similar to Windows, now's the best time to switch.

Why should I switch?

  1. Linux is more privacy-focused than Windows or Mac, as many spyware tools that come with those operating systems aren't in Linux thanks to it's open source nature.
  2. Linux can bring old computers back from the dead, as it can be made really light and use few resources on your computer.
  3. Linux is compatible with almost all of the software that Windows has.
  4. There's probably more, but I don't have them in my head right now.

How to get into Linux

If you want to get started with Linux, try Ubuntu, Pop OS or Linux Mint. They're great starter distros for Linux that just works.

If you believe you have the skill, try Arch Linux. It takes more time to do but it's more rewarding and allows you to personalize it more by letting you choose what packages you want and doesn't come with bloat from preinstalled distro packages.

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Author Subject Replies Last Post
share your desktops!!! 4
Filenames with spaces, apostrophes, etc. 4
Any linux operating systems as a daily driver? 3
Use xsnow for a christmas-themed desktop experience! 0
Terminal emulator on desktop (Openbox) 0
How to create a lock screen/screensaver on Peppermint 1
Is there someone who likes Linux Mint with Xfce? 3
I need documentation to make a comparison of Unix based kernels to the NT kernel 0
what was your reason for switching? 2