Half-Life Lambdaposting

To bring together fans of Half-life, Half-Life 2, the expansions, the spin-offs, the episodes, and even the mods!

If you're a fan of games on Goldsource or Source engine, this is a home for you.
Talk about your experiences, share your favourite mods. Are you working on a mod? Feel free to promote it here.

You can also join us on our Discord or Facebook group.

Thanks and have fun.

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Group Forum

Author Subject Replies Last Post
Pinned Some semi-important stuff IG. 2
Pinned Basic rules. 1
How do you prefer to playthrough Half-life? 10
HLVRAI Thread 9
How a Stupid Man DESTROYED the World 2
What would you like to see in Half-Life 3? 6
Otis Love Otis Life! 2
Laszlo Funeral Countdown 1
Half Life 2 mod a alternative frankinstein story. Goreagulation. 0
The groups favourite Deathmatch server - #2 PORNO PORNOO SEX PORNOO SEX BITCHES- HLDM.cz - is no longer available. 1