The Rust Programming Language

Hello Rustaceans of SpaceHey!

If you're a seasoned Rustacean, a beginner, or just interested in the language, you've come to the right place!


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What Is Rust, and why should you use it?

Rust is a low-level systems language that focuses on speed, reliability, and safety. Whereas high-level languages rely on what's called a Garbage Collector (GC) to clean up memory, and other systems languages leave memory management entirely up to the developer (often leading to memory leaks and other issues), Rust takes neither approach. Rust relies on a system of ownership and borrowing.

If you're here, there's a good chance that you already know why Rust may be one of the most influential programming languages in the coming years. If not, here's a few reasons to get into it:

  1. Safety; Rust's Ownership System (explained more in the next paragraph) ensures memory safety without the overhead of a GC.
  2. Reliability; Rust, by design, encourages safe, fast programs that you won't be squashing bugs for 24/7.
  3. Speed; Rust's execution time is very close to C. Many have pointed out that a lot of the assembly Rust generates is near identical to C.

What is the Ownership System?

When you declare a variable in Rust, it is similar to other languages and is assigned a spot in memory. However, Rust ensures safety without a GC by only allowing for either any amount of immutable borrows or 1 mutable borrow. This way, issues like memory leaks or Undefined Behavior (UB) are prevented by the compiler. Variables in Rust also have what is known as a Lifetime. When the lifetime of a variable ends (typically when it goes out of scope), the drop() function is called implicitly, freeing the variable from memory.


With all of the features mentioned, Rust is a solid language for nearly any use case. It combines the speed and reliability of systems languages, the helpful abstractions of high-level languages, and brings its own phenomenal features to the table.

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