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Author Subject Replies Last Post
Favorite Pokemon? 220
How did you get into Pokemon? 57
What's your favorite starter pokemon? 46
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet Discussion 4
BDSP Concerns? 5
What's your favorite Pokemon game? 23
what's your favorite shiny? 15
Fav gen(s)? 15
Thoughts on the new Pokémon game legend’s arceus? 4
Hello 4
What if Pokémon were real? 7
favorite legendary 7
What is your opinion on pokemon fake leaks? 6
Fav new SV Pokemon? 3
Fan creations! 3
Pokemon Showdown 0
Emulator or console? 11
What was the First Pokemon Game You played? 9
Favorite game to replay? 2
Fan Typings? 0
BDSP Region Faux Tourney 0
Tell me a stupid story and I’ll assign you a Pokémon character!! 5
does anyone still play pokemon go? 3
Pokemon Unite 3
First shiny pokemon? 5
ScVi DLCs? Are they worth the money? 2
What is your favorite legendary Pokemon??? 1
What pre-evolution do you find more interesting than your evolution? 6
If you could have a pokémon as a pet, which one would you pick? 4
Favourite/best rival character? 5
what pokemon games have you guys been playing? 3