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Author Subject Replies Last Post
Humanoid aliens in conspiracies and media 2
Hello? 3
heard my mom's voice even but it wasn't her. (STORY) 3
Allegedly Haunted Childhood Home of Charles Manson For Sale 2
something happened to my dad a while back and I need opinions on what happened 10
Anyone having strange dreams? 12
My family history & my grandmother's house. 0
Coyame UFO Crash 2
Does anybody want a tarot reading? 10
shadow people 5
Haunted doll? 4
psychosis or paranormal? 6
Sleep Paralysis 2
I think a ghost is trying to be me is that possible 2
Smile?? 1
Ghosts being scared of you 1
Who else experiences sleep paralysis? Also would this be paranormal? 10
Where to start? 4
Our friend the Sasquatch. Patterson-Gimlin film, etc 6
haunted doll?? 7
help me find Dream-related religion? 6
Covid delta variant and reptilians 3
entity in the building? 3
Radio turning on by itself without a power source. 2
the stone tape theory/place memory 3
do yall believe in auras? can you see them? 9
man with top hat?? 2
I'm pretty sure I was haunted as a kid (ghost story) 2
One of my paranormal stories! 4
Opinions on Non-Humans/aliens and UFO/UAP’s being confirmed real? 8
Mass hysteria or actual ghost? 3
My paranormal experiences 5