█▶ We The Homestucks Are Taking Over SpaceHey ◀█

█▶ We, the Homestucks, are taking over SpaceHey, because it is fun. Feel free to talk about Homestuck here, do whatever. Pls support + friend each other, and abide by SpaceHey rules... Dat is all... ◀█

█▶ AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, Copy this code onto your profile █▶

<a target="_blank" href="https://groups.spacehey.com/hstakeover"><img src="https://file.garden/Ylf0t2A2LRQTk-Yu/forsh/hs/togif.gif"></a>

(You can replace the image with other versions: it is currently "togif.gif", you can change to "togifeasy.gif" and "togifeasydark.gif" for dark profiles, both are less flashy)
Here is what the images look like 


WHAT'S NEXT FOR HOMESTUCK? We're nearing the beginning of the next session!! Read the latest Beyond Canon updates. Here's a sneak peek of the new species...

BG source: r-eos

homestuck homestuck homestuck homestuck homsetuck john egbert rose lalonde dave strider jade harley karkat vantas nepeta leijon fandom hstakeover aradia tavros vriska gamzee mituna latula mspa mspfa hussie hs hs1 hs2 web comic web comic web webcomic  

Forum Wisdom

Group Bulletin Board

From Time Subject
this group is cool asf 0 Comments
hiiiii 0 Comments

Group Forum

Author Subject Replies Last Post
Pinned [MUSIC GENERAL] Music from the Comic/Albums/Fanmade 6
Pinned fav characters 277
How do people feel abt the Vriska redemption thing 0
Looking for active Homestucks to be friends with 3
does anyone know an alt MSPARP site? 1
Doth any desire to forge a friendship fair? 0
whats the longest reading streak you've had? 1
Where'd june come from? 2
1 f0und a c1azzp3ct qu!z :3 2
2 Real Life SBURB Games 0