Paranormal Stuff

A group to discuss paranormal stuff. UFOs, aliens, ESP, remote viewing, cryptids, Mandela effect, government conspiracies, ghosts, telekinesis, general unexplained phenomenon, etc. Feel free to share any stories or anything that relates to the subject.

Group Bulletin Board

From Time Subject
Paranormal and cult activity in Mauritius 0 Comments

Group Forum

Author Subject Replies Last Post
Pinned New members please introduce yourself here! Thanks for joining! 2056
Halny and other foehn winds - madness is in the air 0
Slenderman egregore/tulpa 0
mimic at grandmas house? 1
JOTT Phenomenon 0
Cryptozoologists Needed 0
Thrift/Antique Objects 0
Ghosts in reflection/mirror 0
Ghosts and babies 4
Ritual games 7