Category: Travel and Places

Top Groups

Group Name Members
Brasil 💚 group picture

Brasil 💚

Grupo destinado a todos os brasileirinhos e todas as brasileirinhas deste Brazil. Só pra gente ter um lugar pra se comunicar em pt br as vezes, é bom.  Regras: Respeitem tudo e todos, apenas.

¡Argentinos aquí! group picture

¡Argentinos aquí!

Este grupo es para personas que viven en Argentina ahora, o son de Argentina, o ambos. ¡SEA AMABLE Y RESPETUOSO! ¡AQUÍ NO SE PERMITE NINGUNA DISCRIMINACIÓN O ACOSO DE NINGÚN TIPO!

Commonwealth of Independe... group picture

Commonwealth of Independent States

Содружество Независимых Государств ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Это группа для тех, кто либо родился в СНГ, либо живет там на данный момент. Ее можно считать русскоязычной группой, хотя з...

Women’s Travel Club✈️ group picture

Women’s Travel Club✈️

A community for women who enjoy (or would like to start) traveling! Here we can share traveling tips, show/share travel destinations, plan meet ups, share vacation photos and more.

Spanish people group picture

Spanish people

Este grupo es para personas que son de España o viven en España ahora. Todas las edades, etnias, orientaciones sexuales, etc. son bienvenidos aquí. ¡NO se permite discriminación o acoso de NINGÚN tipo...

Sa beyler turk war mi. group picture

Sa beyler turk war mi.

beyler lobi olak burda da toplanın what '' Sa beyler turk war mi. '' means? ;that is a Turkish meme Turks use for know each other in international places, that means ''sup guys is there any turks?''

SpaceHey en Español group picture

SpaceHey en Español

Bienvenidos a todos a SpaceHey en Español, un grupo dedicado a los usuarios hispanohablantes de SpaceHey. Acá podremos discutir sobre temas variados en español como música, noticias, cine, gastronomía...

Gruppo per Italiani  group picture

Gruppo per Italiani

Questo gruppo è per persone provenienti dall'Italia, o persone che ora vivono lì. Possiamo parlare sia inglese che italiano qui. L'unica regola è essere gentili. Non sono consentiti atti di bullismo, ...

Spacehey Portugal 🇵🇹 group picture

Spacehey Portugal 🇵🇹

Boas! Onde há gente, há tugas. É inevitável, e o Spacehey não é excepção. Juntem-se ao grupo, conheçam mais malta, queixem-se da vida, o que der na tola.

Filipino people group picture

Filipino people

This group if for people that our either from the Philippines or live in the Philippines right now. Rules: NO homophobia, transphobia, sexual content, racism, sexism or discrimination and harrassment ...

Turk Grubu group picture

Turk Grubu

Turkey | Türkiye group picture

Turkey | Türkiye

NYC group picture


For folks who live and work in NYC to hang out, network, party, whatever!

Brazilian bitches  group picture

Brazilian bitches

   Este grupo é a prova de que em todo lugar que você vá, pelo menos um brasileiro vai estar lá.    This group is the proof that wherever you go, at least one Brazilian will be there.

Mexico group picture


Un grupo para los Mexicanos en Spacehey.

Texas group picture


✴ Official group for the state of Texas.

SpaceHeyers in Ohio, USA group picture

SpaceHeyers in Ohio, USA

This group is for SpaceHey members who live in and/or are from Ohio, USA - the Buckeye State. Introduce yourself and start a topic in the Group Forum ! Have an Ohio-related announcement such as a comm...

California group picture


✴ Official group for the state of California.

Peruvians! group picture


Este grupo es para personas que viven en Peru ahora, o son de Peru, o ambos.  ¡SEA AMABLE Y RESPETUOSO! ¡AQUÍ NO SE PERMITE NINGUNA DISCRIMINACIÓN O ACOSO DE NINGÚN TIPO! This group is for people that...

Germany Teens group picture

Germany Teens

A Group for people ONLY under 18, living (or moving) to Germany. Refrain from giving out exact addresses, detailed personal info, etc. Stay safe! ANYONE DISCOVERED TO BE OVER 18 WILL BE REMOVED. Eine ...

Coolest Indon Group 🇮🇩 !!... group picture

Coolest Indon Group 🇮🇩 !!!!

FOR INDONESIAN SPACEHEY USERS RAAAH   ❤ SELAMAT DATANG ❤ !! THIS GROUP IS STILL WORK IN PROGRESS !!  grup ini membahas seputar Indonesia, mau itu makanan, hobi, budaya, posting gajelas, de el el! Tump...

slavic ppl n culture group picture

slavic ppl n culture

This group is for anyone native or people interested in slavic countries Such as:  - west slavs (czechia slovakia poland) - east slavs (russia belarus ukraine) - southslavs (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bu...

UK Members group picture

UK Members

Upper Mid West USA group picture

Upper Mid West USA

A group for people, locations and events in the Upper Midwest USA. Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, North and South Dakota, Upper Peninsula of Michigan. SAY HELLO!

space :) group picture

space :)

this is a group about space, stars, life on other planets, and stuff like that :)